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NoSQL 資料庫在上年炒得很熱,於是我也萌生了使用 NoSQL 資料庫寫一個應用的想法。首先來認識一下 NoSQL。NoSQL 是一個縮寫,含義從最初的 No-SQL 到現在已經成為了 Not-Only-SQL。確實後面一種解釋比較符合 NoSQL 的使用場景。

現在網路上被人所知的 NoSQL 資料庫可以在這個網頁(http://nosql-database.org)看到。這個列表林林總總一大堆,要選擇哪個資料庫入手呢?

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雖然阿舍之前玩的  Domino/Notes 也算是 NoSQL,不過,阿舍最近想玩玩別的 NoSQL 的資料庫,,於是就是就去找了一下,最後剩下 MongoDB 和 CouchDB 二個來選,經過一番比較後,阿舍決定選擇 MongoDB 來用,原因是覺得 MongoDB 的功能比較多,而且,文件比較齊全,所以,阿舍就選了 MongoDB。

不過,阿舍一開始有點誤會 MongoDB 了,一直以為它是 Embeded Database,其實,MongoDB 是一套完整的資料庫系統,需要有  Server 端的,是要先啟動伺服器才可以連線的啊 !

MongoDB 在 Windows 的安裝方式很簡單,只要到這裡點選 Windows 版本的程式,然後,把它解壓縮後,然後,把解壓縮出來的資料夾更名成 mongodb,再來,把這個資料夾移到 c:\ 下,變成 c:\mangodb 就算完成安裝一半了。

接著,是要幫 MongoDB 建立放資料庫的地方,預設是在 c:\data\db 這裡,所以,請在 C 槽建立這個資料夾,這樣就算完成了哩 !

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CSharp Driver Tutorial

C# Driver version v1.0

This tutorial is for v1.0 of the C# Driver.


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MySQL executable     Oracle executable     Mongo executable

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MongoDB 官方網站

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Last time, I continued my exploration of MongoDB via the use of exploration tests. I described how to start and stop the server during a test, then showed how to capture cross-document references and discussed some of the reasoning behind the awkwardness of doing so. Now it’s time to explore some more intermediate MongoDB capabilities: predicate queries, aggregate functions and the LINQ support provided by the MongoDB.Linq assembly. I’ll also provide some notes about hosting MongoDB in a production environment.

When We Last Left Our Hero . . .
For reasons of space, I won’t review much of the previous articles; instead, you can read them online in the May and June issues at msdn.microsoft.com/magazine. In the associated code bundle, however, the exploration tests have been fleshed out to include a pre-existing sample set of data to work with, using characters from one of my favorite TV shows. Figure 1 shows a previous exploration test, by way of refresher. So far, so good.

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In my previous article, MongoDB’s basics took front and center: getting it installed, running and inserting and finding data. However, I covered only the basics—the data objects used were simple name/value pairs. That made sense, because MongoDB’s “sweet spot” includes unstructured and relatively simple data structures. But surely this database can store more than just simple name/value pairs.

In this article, we’ll use a slightly different method to investigate MongoDB (or any technology). The procedure, called an exploration test, will help us find a possible bug in the server and, along the way, highlight one of the common issues object-oriented developers will run into when using MongoDB.

In Our Last Episode …
First we’ll make sure we’re all on the same page, and we’ll also cover some slightly new ground. Let’s look at MongoDB in a bit more structured fashion than we did in the previous article (msdn.microsoft.com/magazine/ee310029). Rather than just create a simple application and hack on it, let’s kill two birds with one stone and create exploration tests—code segments that look like unit tests but that explore functionality rather than try to verify it.

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Over the past decade or so, since the announcement of the Microsoft .NET Framework in 2000 and its first release in 2002, .NET developers have struggled to keep up with all the new things Microsoft has thrown at them. And as if that wasn’t enough, “the community”—meaning both developers who use .NET on a daily basis and those who don’t—has gone off and created a few more things to fill in holes that Microsoft doesn’t cover—or just to create chaos and confusion (you pick).

One of those “new” things to emerge from the community from outside of the Microsoft aegis is the NoSQL movement, a group of developers who openly challenge the idea that all data is/will/must be stored in a relational database system of some form. Tables, rows, columns, primary keys, foreign key constraints, and arguments over nulls and whether a primary key should be a natural or unnatural one … is nothing sacred?

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想找時間來研究 VMWare ESXi,剛好看到這篇,可以將VMWare ESXi裝在USB硬碟上,所以就先記下來,免得以後忘掉..^^..!!



VMware ESX(i) 在安裝時對於硬體需求很高,基本上在開始安裝時 VMware ESX(i) 就會開始檢查系統是不是有符合需求.

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話說昨天將手上開發用的桌機安裝了RAMDISK之後,效能明顯大大提升!將DDR2 800 的記憶體規劃了 1GB 給 RAMDISK 跑 (R:),在將XP的虛擬記憶體設定在(R:)上,容量設定為 256MB ~ 900MB。

然後再將IE6的暫存目錄也設定到 (R:\TEMP\) 底下,重新開機之後,神奇的事情就發生了,開機速度明顯變快,開Office、Visual Studio、SQL Server Management Studio、Dreamweaver,都明顯加速了開啟的速度,只能以飛快來形容!

最誇張的是 IE6 因為暫存檔設定到RAMDISK上面之後,IE6居然也變的飛快,開啟的速度不會輸給 Chrome,開網頁的速度也是飛快。(微軟應該把RAMDISK設為預設系統,可以全面加快作業系統的反應速度)


支援DDR2 800的記憶體,總容量最高可以到達64GB。這個大小剛好夠放資料庫的MDF檔。

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My <head> is in the cloud

While poking around a couple months ago, I stumbled upon something that I’ve found extremely useful: An entire jQuery UI theme hosted on Google’s CDN!

Not only is the theme’s CSS stylesheet there, but all 14 of the theme’s images are hosted in the correct relative location too. That means you can apply the entire theme to a page with a single CSS reference and no local files.

Even better, while JavaScript and CSS includes are unable to take full advantage of the increased parallelism a CDN offers, the theme’s images do. This makes loading the theme from Google’s CDN particularly effective.

Using it

Using this on your own pages couldn’t be easier. There are no files to download, no paths to worry about, and no configuration is required. Just a reference to jQuery,jQuery UI, and the ThemeRoller theme you want to use will is all you need.

For example, if you wanted to build a quick demo of the jQuery UI Tabs plugin, use these references in the head of your page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- To avoid horizontal scrolling in this code listing. -->
  <base href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/" />   <!-- Reference the theme's stylesheet on the Google CDN -->
  <link href="/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/themes/start/jquery-ui.css"
        type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" />   <!-- Reference jQuery and jQuery UI from the CDN. Remember
       that the order of these two elements is important -->
  <script src="/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <script src="/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>   <!-- Initialize the tabs when the document is ready -->
  <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
      // See the jQuery UI Tabs documentation for
      //  more information about how this works.

Note: You shouldn’t use the <base> tag like this in your pages. It affects all links on the page, not just those in the <head>. I’m just using it here to avoid horizontal scrolling (the bane of my existence when posting code here).

Then, just a bit of corresponding markup in the body of the document (see the jQuery UI Tabs documentation for specifics):

  <div id="tabs">
      <li><a href="#tab-1">Tab 1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#tab-2">Tab 2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#tab-3">Tab 3</a></li>
    </ul>   <div id="tab-1">
      <p>These tabs were created with JavaScript, CSS, and 
        images hosted on Google's AJAX APIs CDN.</p>   <p>Thanks, Google!</p>
    <div id="tab-2">
      <!-- Tab 2's content goes here. -->
    <div id="tab-3">
      <!-- Tab 3's content goes here. -->

That HTML (without a single file or image hosted locally) results in this:


Don’t like the theme in my example? Don’t worry, because all 24 of the standard ThemeRoller presets are also hosted on the CDN. See the end of this post for a full listing.

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name: jquery
latest version: 1.4.2 (view older versions)
load request: google.load("jquery, 1.4.2");
extras: uncompressed:true (as in google.load("jquery", "1.4.2", {uncompressed:true});

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東京大學大學院情報理工學系研究科(GraduateSchool of Information Science and Technology)研究團隊主要研究員表示,能夠在1分鐘內將書籍內容數位化的原型超高速掃描器,將在兩年內製成



率領研究團隊的渡邊義浩(Yoshihiro Watanabe)說:「鑒於目前已經發表的技術,我們相信這是世界上最快的(掃描)系統。」


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它究竟有多薄呢? 厚度大約只有80微米(μm)。按每英吋121畫素計算,解析度達432 x 240畫素。

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中國的「星雲」(Nebulae )超級電腦位於最近剛建好的深圳國家超級計算中心,根據Linpack基準測試結果,每秒鐘可執行1.271千兆級浮點運算(petaflops),榮登全球500大超級電腦(Top500)排行榜亞軍。最新的排名周一在德國漢堡舉行的國際超級運算會議上正式宣布,冠軍仍是田納西州Oak Ridge國家實驗室的Cray系統「Jaguar」。

新聞稿指出,中國的「星雲」拿下第二名,「一部分是因為採用Nvidia GPU (繪圖處理器) 加速器...星雲號稱在理論上可達到逼近每秒鐘3 petaflop的巔峰速度--這將是歷年來TOP500之冠。」

「星雲」也採用英特爾的Xeon處理器,但這些是所謂的商品化處理器(commodity processor),也用於一般的標準伺服器電腦。英特爾雖然已取消開發Larrabee繪圖晶片的計畫,但仍研究一項運用 Larrabee研發成果的技術。英特爾周一表示,第一款這樣的產品,代號「Knights Corner」,將用22奈米製程技術生產,在每顆晶片上封裝超過50個處理核心。

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HTML5前身為Web Applications 1.0,2004年時由WHATWG提出,於07年獲W3C接納,並成立新的HTML工作團隊。08年1月,第一份正式草案發布。目前主要瀏覽器包括火狐(Firefox)、Google Chrome、Opera及蘋果的Safari等皆支援HTML5,就連微軟新版IE9瀏覽器也加入行列。Google旗下的YouTube網站(www.youtube.com/html5),更率先推出HTML5影片播放器的實驗性支援服務。

數位著作權管理(Digital Rights Management,DRM)

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在VS.NET 2005中,有內建一個WebBrowser的控制項。可以簡單的利用 WebBrowser 去抓取特定網站的資料。








Dim oDoc As HtmlDocument = Me.WebBrowser1.Document
Dim oEles As HtmlElementCollection = Nothing
Dim oEle As HtmlElement = Nothing

oEles = oDoc.GetElementsByTagName("TABLE")

For i As Integer = 0 To oEles.Count - 1
Dim str_innerHTML As String = ""
Dim str_innerText As String = ""

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看過iPad的使用介紹之後,真的會讓人有購買的衝動,尤其Apple將iPad的價格壓在US$499 ~ US$829之間,大約NT$16,467 ~ NT$27,357,這個區間剛好和小筆電的價格區間重疊。而這個價格區間又剛好是具備強大購買力的價格區間,未來iPad普及的速度將會很快,曾經買過iPhone的會想買,還沒買過iPhone的也會想買!不過按照Apple的說法,大約60天之後,才會陸陸續續在全世界各地銷售。



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迫使我開始去思考有沒有可能讓資料庫也能跑平衡負載的架構,例如可以輕易地將資料庫分散在100台伺服器上面跑,Insert 的時候自動 Insert 到資料最少的那一台,Update 的時候自動 Update 100台資料庫中的資料,Delete的時候自動刪除100台資料庫中相關的資料,Select 的時候自動彙整100台資料庫查詢的結果!

這樣的設計,當瞬間100萬筆資料要Insert進去的時候,會自動分散在100台資料庫,每台資料庫Insert 一萬筆。因為有100台伺服器的CPU、記憶體以及硬碟IO在協助分散負載,所以新增的速度會非常快,每台資料庫所承受的壓力是非常小的!


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