


事實上,宏達電今年EPS(Earnings Per Share,每股純益)有80元實力,但股價高處不勝寒,大金主外資連2月累計賣超2萬3526張!


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NoSQL 資料庫在上年炒得很熱,於是我也萌生了使用 NoSQL 資料庫寫一個應用的想法。首先來認識一下 NoSQL。NoSQL 是一個縮寫,含義從最初的 No-SQL 到現在已經成為了 Not-Only-SQL。確實後面一種解釋比較符合 NoSQL 的使用場景。

現在網路上被人所知的 NoSQL 資料庫可以在這個網頁(http://nosql-database.org)看到。這個列表林林總總一大堆,要選擇哪個資料庫入手呢?

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雖然阿舍之前玩的  Domino/Notes 也算是 NoSQL,不過,阿舍最近想玩玩別的 NoSQL 的資料庫,,於是就是就去找了一下,最後剩下 MongoDB 和 CouchDB 二個來選,經過一番比較後,阿舍決定選擇 MongoDB 來用,原因是覺得 MongoDB 的功能比較多,而且,文件比較齊全,所以,阿舍就選了 MongoDB。

不過,阿舍一開始有點誤會 MongoDB 了,一直以為它是 Embeded Database,其實,MongoDB 是一套完整的資料庫系統,需要有  Server 端的,是要先啟動伺服器才可以連線的啊 !

MongoDB 在 Windows 的安裝方式很簡單,只要到這裡點選 Windows 版本的程式,然後,把它解壓縮後,然後,把解壓縮出來的資料夾更名成 mongodb,再來,把這個資料夾移到 c:\ 下,變成 c:\mangodb 就算完成安裝一半了。

接著,是要幫 MongoDB 建立放資料庫的地方,預設是在 c:\data\db 這裡,所以,請在 C 槽建立這個資料夾,這樣就算完成了哩 !

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CSharp Driver Tutorial

C# Driver version v1.0

This tutorial is for v1.0 of the C# Driver.


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MySQL executable     Oracle executable     Mongo executable

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MongoDB 官方網站

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Last time, I continued my exploration of MongoDB via the use of exploration tests. I described how to start and stop the server during a test, then showed how to capture cross-document references and discussed some of the reasoning behind the awkwardness of doing so. Now it’s time to explore some more intermediate MongoDB capabilities: predicate queries, aggregate functions and the LINQ support provided by the MongoDB.Linq assembly. I’ll also provide some notes about hosting MongoDB in a production environment.

When We Last Left Our Hero . . .
For reasons of space, I won’t review much of the previous articles; instead, you can read them online in the May and June issues at msdn.microsoft.com/magazine. In the associated code bundle, however, the exploration tests have been fleshed out to include a pre-existing sample set of data to work with, using characters from one of my favorite TV shows. Figure 1 shows a previous exploration test, by way of refresher. So far, so good.

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In my previous article, MongoDB’s basics took front and center: getting it installed, running and inserting and finding data. However, I covered only the basics—the data objects used were simple name/value pairs. That made sense, because MongoDB’s “sweet spot” includes unstructured and relatively simple data structures. But surely this database can store more than just simple name/value pairs.

In this article, we’ll use a slightly different method to investigate MongoDB (or any technology). The procedure, called an exploration test, will help us find a possible bug in the server and, along the way, highlight one of the common issues object-oriented developers will run into when using MongoDB.

In Our Last Episode …
First we’ll make sure we’re all on the same page, and we’ll also cover some slightly new ground. Let’s look at MongoDB in a bit more structured fashion than we did in the previous article (msdn.microsoft.com/magazine/ee310029). Rather than just create a simple application and hack on it, let’s kill two birds with one stone and create exploration tests—code segments that look like unit tests but that explore functionality rather than try to verify it.

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Over the past decade or so, since the announcement of the Microsoft .NET Framework in 2000 and its first release in 2002, .NET developers have struggled to keep up with all the new things Microsoft has thrown at them. And as if that wasn’t enough, “the community”—meaning both developers who use .NET on a daily basis and those who don’t—has gone off and created a few more things to fill in holes that Microsoft doesn’t cover—or just to create chaos and confusion (you pick).

One of those “new” things to emerge from the community from outside of the Microsoft aegis is the NoSQL movement, a group of developers who openly challenge the idea that all data is/will/must be stored in a relational database system of some form. Tables, rows, columns, primary keys, foreign key constraints, and arguments over nulls and whether a primary key should be a natural or unnatural one … is nothing sacred?

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大哥問: 『...這是幹麼的?』

店員答: 『你再積八點就可以換獎品。』

然後......................... 店員就被揍了....................

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